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TRILLION THEORY declares - our universe is an ancient trillion-years old. Whereas, 13.7 billion years is only the age of our present generation of stars. Trillion Theory explains cosmic history by stating, 'BLACK HOLES were and still are the builders of billions upon billions of spheres, solar systems, and galaxies'.

Black Hole Quiz

Take the 
developed from Trillion Theory
by Canadian cosmologist Ed (Luk) Lukowich

Please be advised
Some answers in this 
may totally differ from what you may have expected. 
Initially, you might even view the answers as absurd.  
The reason for this is that Trillion Theory 
shows how Black Holes function in incredibly 
diverse ways which even astronomers and 
their colleagues have yet to discover. 
To learn more:
read the books in the Trillion Theory series.

now begins the 


Fred Hoyle unwittenly named the Big Bang

Naked Black Holes spin Light into Matter

Sometimes, binary stars are the result

Following below is more information  as to how 
Ed (Luk) Lukowich theorized Trillion Theory. 

Black Holes inside of Trillion Theory (T Theory).

Yes, in T Theory, also known as Trillion Theory, cosmologist Ed Lukowich, in his T Theory, credits black holes with building, growing, and organizing our cosmos into solar systems and galaxies. He states, 'That black holes definitely appear to be very alive.'
‘Our cosmos could never have grown to its tremendous size without the reproductive replication abilities belonging to black holes.’ This statement is by Canadian cosmology theorist Ed Lukowich. ‘In my T Theory, black holes are credited with building, growing, and organizing our cosmos into solar systems and galaxies.’

Just a few decades ago, we dreamt of perhaps a few other solar systems existing amongst the stars. Whereas today, astronomers have discovered many such systems. Further, T Theory states, ‘Every sun has a solar system; a sun not surrounded by spheres is a cosmic rarity. Solar systems are the prevalent feature inside every galaxy.’

‘Therein, the Big Bang could not have happened a supposed 13.7 billion years ago. For, what we see in our night sky is just the present current cycle of stars, akin to a forest which displays only its current generation of trees. To find the true origin of our universe, we have to go back 67 generations, one generation equating to approximately 15 billion years. T Theory shows that 67 of these 15 billion-year generations took place over the past trillion years of cosmic history. Each new generation saw a doubling of the planets, moons, suns, and solar systems within ever-growing galaxies.’

Throughout all of these trillion years, black holes have multiplied their numbers through their replication process, eating light each time to re-build a larger axis and a larger body. Black holes are the ultimate recyclers; they can spin light into matter, and 10-15 billion years later they can survive the moment when this matter unravels back to escaping light.’

‘Now here’s the real catch. Black holes have the ability to subdivide. Then, when they replenish themselves by eating light, they do so for a number of purposes: their first assignment after subdividing from one black hole into two, is to spin light into a longer wider axis inside of their body; their 2nd goal is to spin light into the compartments of their bodies, thereby enlarging their overall size; their 3rd duty is to spin extra light into matter around themselves forming a body around their body such as a moon, planet or sun.’

‘Yes, that’s right. Every sphere, moon (168), planet (8), and sun (1) in our solar system (177 spheres in total) has a spinning black hole at its core. Nowadays, the spin rate of these black holes residing inside of these cumbersome spheres has slowed considerably from a time when they spun at ultra-speed, utilizing the powerful gravity to attract, bend, and spin light into matter.’
‘In a solar system, the gravity laws emitted by these black holes resident inside of the spheres, sets the relationship between the spheres of the solar system. For example, the largest black hole in our solar system is inside of our sun, This XL black hole spins on its axis and exudes out a gravity force powerful enough to hold all of the lesser-sized black holes (176) in orbit.’

‘This gravitational relationship between the spheres of our solar system will stay in tact for billions of years, until one of the major black holes of the 177 breaks the relationship. In solar systems, the sphere which always destroys the gravitational relationship is the sun, when it eventually weakens and goes supernova. The power of the supernova obliterates the solar system, melting all the matter around all of other black holes.’

‘However, there are survivors to a supernova, because a black hole can never be destroyed. A surviving black hole can see all of its melted matter unspin and go back to light. Now empty and naked once more, the surviving black hole splits into two from the powerful backlash when its matter instantaneously escapes. The two new replicated black holes, which have regained their naked ultra-fast spin, immediately commence the attraction and spinning of light into matter to rebuild their axis and their body, even larger than before. However, the rule of cosmos always prevails amongst black holes, ‘The larger a black hole, the more powerful its gravity, and the more light it can attract to itself, thereby cheating smaller black holes. The large grow ever larger.’

‘Of course, replication (doubling) of black holes means that the new solar system being built by the surviving black holes will be larger than the last, while sometimes two new solar systems replace the past one. Over hundreds of billions of years, a single solar system can grow to hundreds and millions of solar systems. Over 800 billion years to a trillion years, many of these solar systems will have grown into galaxies, housed around a supermassive black hole which exudes ample gravity to hold millions of solar systems (and their suns) in spin around the supermassive black hole.’

‘Now, hopefully you can appreciate that Big Bang can’t properly explain how spheres, solar systems, and galaxies formed. Read any of the 7 books within T Theory to better appreciate this cosmic achievement; Trillion Theory (1st in the series), Trillion Years Universe Theory (2nd in the series), Black Holes Built our Cosmos (3rd in the series), T Theory Says Who Owns our Universe (4th in the series)Black Hole Inside Our Earth (5th in the series), SuperMassive Ancient Galaxies (6th in the series), Black Holes: Why Do They Spin (7th in the series),written by Trillion Theory author Ed Lukowich.’

There you will be shown more of how black holes reproduce; how they form spheres around themselves; how they organize into solar systems and then galaxies. T Theory says that incredible scientific design was involved in each step along this  trillion year journey. T Theory says, ‘Tremendous scientific planning, design, and manufacture preceded the origin of our cosmos a trillion years ago.’

However, just like any universe idea, we always have to ask, ‘Okay, so where did the first black hole(s) come from in T Theory? Who designed these black holes? Who owns these black holes? If these black holes can reproduce, then we must think of them as alive; what type of alive?’

One last idea which a reader might ask, ‘So, are we to be afraid of the alive black hole which resides at the core of our Earth? How can we be sure it won’t go rogue, loose its spin, or suddenly decide to get rid of all of its matter, including us. It’s like saying that we are living in a spinning house and something alive is at the center of that spin. Eerie.’