Blog Description

TRILLION THEORY declares - our universe is an ancient trillion-years old. Whereas, 13.7 billion years is only the age of our present generation of stars. Trillion Theory explains cosmic history by stating, 'BLACK HOLES were and still are the builders of billions upon billions of spheres, solar systems, and galaxies'.

Events. Cosmic Laws.

History Events about Ed (Luk) Lukowich 
and his Trillion Theory

1998 Ed Lukowich began formulating Trillion Theory.

2001 Ed estimated cosmic age at a Trillion years old.

2005 Ed stated that Black Holes were cosmic builders.

2012 Ed was featured in some newspaper articles.

2013 Ed published 'Trillion Theory' (1st book in TT series).

2015 Ed - 'Trillion Years Universe Theory' (2nd in TT series).

2015 Ed - 'Black Holes Built Our Cosmos' (3rd in TT series).

2016 Ed - 'T Theory Says, Who Owns Our Universe' (4th).

2017 Ed - 'Spinning Black Holes Inside Our Earth' (5th book).

2018 Ed - gained followers in Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.

2018 Ed - 'Supermassive Ancient Galaxies' (6th book).

2018 Ed - 'Black Holes:Why Do They Spin' (7th bk TT series).
2019 Ed - Began YouTube video series for Trillion Theory.

2020 Ed - Began raising funds to propel PROOFS as the next phases of his Trillion Theory project.

Science Journals (Trillion Theory published):
Webinar Spark Astronomy, India, August 20/2020
-  Webinar International Physics, September 6/2020
- European Journal of Physics Education, October/2019
click on EJPE for a FREE PDF. 
- Journal of Physics and Astronomy, October 2019.
Coming Events:
Calgary ComicEnt Expo 2023, Calgary April 27-30/2023
Completed Events:
Calgary Expo 2020, Stampede Park, Calgary April 23-26/2020
Words Collide 2019, Calgary, Alberta, Aug 14-16/2020
Edmonton Expo 20179, Northlands, Sept 18-220/2020
Words Collide 2019, Calgary, Alberta, Aug 9-11/2019
Edmonton Expo 20179, Northlands, Sept 20-22/2019
Calgary Expo 2019, Stampede Park, April 25-28/2019
Calgary Expo 2018, Stampede Park, April 26-29/2018
Calgary Expo 2017, Stampede Park, April 27-30/2017
Words Collide 2017, Delta S, Calgary, Aug 11-13/2017
Edmonton Expo 2017, Northlands, Sept 22-24/2017
Calgary Expo 2016, Stampede Park, April 28-01/2016
Edmonton Expo 2015,   Northlands, Sept 23-25/2016
Words Collide 2016, Delta S, Calgary, Aug 12-14/2016
Words Collide 2015, Delta S, Calgary, Aug 14-16/2015
Edmonton Expo 2015,   Northlands, Sept 25-27/2015
Calgary Expo 2015, Stampede Park, April 16-19/2015
Lethbridge Expo, Lethbridge Ex Park, Nov 22-23/2015
Lethbridge Comic Con, Lethbridge College, Oct 18/2014
Alberta Authors, Pandora's Boox, Olds, Sept 26-28/2014
Edmonton Expo 2014, Northlands, Sept 11/2014
Beakerhead, Calgary: 'Rocket Reading Room'
Loft 112, 535 - 8th Ave. SE, Calgary,
Sept 20-21/2014
Sask Entertain ExpoPrairieland Park, Saskatoon, Aug 8-10/2014
Words Collide 2014
, Village Park Inn, Calgary, June 21/2014
Medicine Hat Fan Roundup, Medicine Hat College, May 3-4/2014
Fan Expo Regina, Canada Centre East, April 24-27/2014
Calgary Comic Expo, Stampede Park, Calgary, April 16 - 2014              
Chapters, Crowfoot (Calgary)
(Sagan Jeffries author signing), Feb 28 - 2014             
Coles, Market Mall (Calgary)
(Sagan Jeffries author signing), Jan 9 - 2014              
Talk at the Calgary East Rotary, February - 2014
Chapters, St. Vital, Winnipeg
(Sagan Jeffries author signing), November - 2013
Talk at the Calgary Chinook Rotary, Nov 28 - 2013
Pages Book Store on Kensington
(Sagan Jeffries author signing), Nov 23, 24/2013
Lethbridge Entertainment Expo,  Ex Park, Oct 2013
Chapters, CrossIron Mills, Balsac, Calgary
(Sagan Jeffries author signing), October - 2013
Chapters, Sunridge Mall, Calgary
(Sagan Jeffries author signing)

Linked Cosmology Sites:
Cosmoquest Forum                         Universe Today       
Sky News                                        Scientific American         
Popular Science                               NewsWeek
National Geographic                       Light Speed Magazine  
Phoebe Journal                                A Public Space      
Science Fiction Magazine               Space X
Daily Science Fiction Facebook     SF Signal   
Apex Magazine                               Apex Magazine Facebook         Stranger Horizons Facebook 

 Trillion Theory Laws for: 

 TT Laws of Light 

 TT Laws of Black Holes 

 TT Laws of Spheres 

  & Artificial Intelligence 

A R T I F I C I A L    I N T E L L I G E N C E
TRILLION THEORY predicts that astronomers will one day find ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE inside of  BLACK HOLES  who deployed their skills to build trillions of cosmic suns, planets and moons into solar systems inside of giant ancient galaxies.

Ed Lukowich professes, ‘If indeed Black Holes have amazingly built and are presently in control of our cosmos, then an awareness of how black holes have accomplished these incredible feats brings us many steps closer to understanding the reason behind our universe and for our existence within it.’
T Theory Says: Who Owns Our Universe
For TT, the huge question of the future will be, ‘Who owns our universe? From outside or within? From a physical perspective, we shouldn’t tromp right past the obvious. If TT is correct that Black Holes built cosmos, and they are now presently in control of gazillions of spheres, billions of solar systems, and millions of galaxies, then perhaps they are the quiet

Thanks for reading. To be a T Theory supporter: see website . The future will bring many amazing cosmic discoveries. In 2018, NASA launches the James Webb Space Telescope as a new premiere space observatory to further study the formation of stars and planets and study the birth and evolution of galaxies. Also, to hopefully discover alien life on other Goldilocks planets. Thus far, the Kepler program has found 1,000 exoplanets outside of our solar system. It’d be great to find evidence authenticating my T Theory.

Author’s Disclaimer:

Trillion Theory was developed solely by the author Ed Lukowich. These Trillion Theories are not based upon any other person’s theories, regardless of any such claims. No other person may claim to be the originator, founder, or author of these Trillion Theories.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your book! It would make a great movie with all of the visualization you have created. Well done!

Ed Lukowich said...

Thanks. The Trillionist as a movie. Sounds super.