Ed (Luk) Lukowich is a Canadian theorist
and the founder of TRILLION THEORY
which demonstrates how BLACK HOLES
are the builders of our incredible COSMOS.
Books in the Trillion Theory series To contact Ed email directly to theory1@telus.net
Ed Lukowich (Canadian theorist) and developer of TRILLION THEORY and author of 7 books in TT the cosmos series. 'TTheory estimates our universe as being a trillion years old, much older than the 13.7 billion years believed by Big Bang.
In TT, BLACK HOLES are shown to have built our cosmos from small origins a trillion years ago, to today's immense size.
Furthermore, T Theory places a BLACK HOLE at the core of the trillions of spheres in cosmos, including our Earth and our Sun. While this may seem absurd, this discovery is a huge step at understanding the reason for spin and for gravity in all of the spheres in all of the solar systems in all of the galaxies.
Ed, the sole Trillion Theory author, began to formulate this new theory as far back as 1998. Ed's 7 cosmology books in the Trillion Theory series were published from 2013 to 2018.
Sagan Jeffries - Ed is also the author of the futuristic sci-fi 2013 novel 'The Trillionist'. Sagan Jeffries is the sci-fi pen name of former curler Ed Lukowich of Calgary, Alberta. (Ed Lukowich also published four curling books in the 1980 to 1990 era).
The pen name Sagan Jeffries separates the sci-fi futuristic author from the Curler - Ed Lukowich of Calgary, Alberta.
Ed Lukowich - curler and curling author
During his curling career, Ed Lukowich published four books about curling (The Curling Book 1980, Curling to Win 1986, The Joy of Curling 1990, Power Curling 1991), several manuals, and a how-to video on curling. As well, for seven years, Lukowich was color commentator for curling on Sportsnet television in Canada, working beside play-by-play man Rob Faulds of Toronto.
Lukowich was also co-founder of the TSN Curling Skins Game which began back in 1986 and co-founder of the World Curling Tour in 1990. As a player, Lukowich won two Briers and then a World Chapionship in 1986 and competed in the 1988 Winter Olympics.
Former world curling champ publishing science-fiction novel
Lukowich finally ready to put opus on the street after starting it in the '90s
By Allen Cameron, Calgary Herald December 18, 2011
Former world curling champ Ed Lukowich is about to publish his first science-fiction novel.
Photograph by: Leah Hennel, Calgary Herald
Former world curling champ Ed Lukowich was considered in his prime to be one of the finest curlers and strategists to ever play the game; indeed, some say even now he’d be an asset to a men’s team as a skip (if not a last-rock thrower).
But while he’s still throwing rocks once a week at the Inglewood club, his focus now is on publishing his first book that has nothing to do with the sport that made him famous (he published three curling-instruction books and a coffee-table book on curling in the 1980s).
And it’s only fitting that the man who could always see a game of curling from a slightly different angle than everyone else is working in the genre that focuses most on imagination.
“I’ve been interested in science-fiction since I was a kid, and I really enjoyed the Star Trek stuff, too,” said Lukowich, the 1986 Brier and world champ, who lists Carl Sagan as his favourite science-fiction author. “I just found it all interesting. Some people read romance novels, I liked science fiction.”
Reading and watching it is one thing; writing, though, is entirely another, and the process of getting a book to the stage where it’s now in the final editing process before going to the publisher early next year began 14 years ago, when Lukowich was working as a curling instructor.
“I really can’t remember why I started writing it, but I had a draft completed in 1998,” said Lukowich. “It was quite a bit different than it is now, but I sent little excerpts to three or four U.S. publishers and didn’t get any nice replies back. Then I got busy with Sportsnet (as a colour commentator in the early days of the Grand Slam circuit) and USA Curling (as its athlete development director) and it got shelved. And I would look at it on the bookshelf once a year and think, ‘Oh, I’d like to finish that one day.’ ”
That opportunity came about in 2009 when Lukowich resigned his USA Curling position; he pulled the manuscript off the shelf and started writing, revising and writing some more.
“I’ve had a lot of experiences that kind of prepared me along the way,” said Lukowich. “Reading those science fiction books helped; being on Sportsnet, I had to learn how to be a little more creative. On the other hand, I think it’s been more difficult than I ever imagined, you know? I’ve written the book more times than I thought I ever would. I’ve finished the book four times now; I pick it up a day later, or I talk to someone a day later, and go, ‘Oh, I have to redo all of this.’ But I’m at the point now where I’m not writing any more. At some point in time, you have to say, ‘Hey, time to get your fingers off of that thing.’ ”
Which is where he’s at now; his work is done (he wants to keep the title and plot under wraps until the book is officially introduced next year), and he can get back to curling once a week, and watching the game he loves so much, and that included taking a keen interest in this weekend’s Grand Slam BDO Canadian Open in Kingston, Ont., where the five-rock free-guard-zone rule was unveiled.

Predictably, Lukowich has a few ideas of his own on how to improve the game at the highest level.
“If you look at curling and analyze how to make it tougher, there are things that can be done in an arena setting,” he said. “You could have a longer ice sheet, which could make a difference. You can’t do it in clubs, but it would be like hockey, where you have your (wider) European rinks and your North American rinks. But I don’t think a longer sheet would hurt in an arena; the game has become a little bit too easy to hit and make doubles.”
Lukowich laughingly concedes that there’s no correlation between curling and science fiction, although it’s possible there may be a reference to the sport in the finished product.
“I think there might be,” he said with a chuckle. “I think I snuck the word in once, talking about winter sports. I’d love for it to stay in.”
acameron@calgaryherald.com Follow Allen Cameron on Twitter/AllenCameron